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Statement of the Executive Board

Statement of the Executive Board

(as defined in Article 5:25d, paragraph 2(c) of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act)

The members of the Executive Board hereby declare that, to the best of their knowledge,

  1. the interim financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and result of the company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and that
  2. the half-year report gives a true and fair view of material events that occurred in the first six months of the year and the impact of such events on the interim financial statements, and provides a description of the principal risks and uncertainties faced in the remaining six months of the financial year in question.

Mr J.J. Fennema*, chair
Ms J. Hermes*
Mr B.J. Hoevers
Mr U. Vermeulen

Groningen, 20 July 2021

* Director under the Articles of Association

Volgend hoofdstuk: 06 Consolidated half-year report